
To Help You Grow

Welcome here and congratulations for taking that Next Step for Success, I only teach you what I’ve tried, tested and actually works. So in each course, I’ll share with you my proven methodology, principle based approach and experience-backed step-by-step processes, also considered costly mistakes to avoid, and tools, techniques for mastering that area in your own life and career. 

Some of my courses are by invitation , just to ensure it is the right one for you and few new ones are underway , as per new demands of my clients , what would help them best, so make sure you get on the list to be notified!

Become Who You Are Meant To Be , Claim Your Worth And Finally Have The Ultimate Next Level Success That Feels good!”

Be Future Ready ! Be a High Ticket professional!

Impact. Freedom.Wealth. Fulfilment.

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Impact. Freedom.Wealth. Fulfilment.

The High Ticket Professional is a Premier Uniqe Program that helps Sincere Working Professionals In 40s and Career Relaunchers to get Unstuck and start achieving Next Level Career Success 

By implementing A Proven step - by -step HTP Framework in 90 days Without further Burnt out , Overwhelm or hundreds of hours of motivational videos 

So they can have Ultimate Career Revival - The Success That Feels Good

If you are ready to take action and truly committed to success

Click here to take that 1 Next Step towards your Dream….

How to Uncover your hidden potential, Build Commanding Position and Upskill your way to Next Level Career Success ...even before you Quit 

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The simple, effective , proven 3 Prong Framework for starting Career Revival without quitting immediately, to get unstuck and moving to the Next level Career success 

We all know that keeping the Job ( even one you hate) is getting harder and harder. The career ladder is slowly disappearing, leaving many people stuck in jobs they hate. You're stuck in a job you hate and don't know what to do. You've tried everything, but you can't seem to get ahead. OR you worked for 15-20 years and now wonder What Next ?

Not sure what to do next? Feeling lost and uncertain about your future? You're not alone.It's hard to find the energy or motivation to start over when you feel like you're stuck in a rut. But what if there was another way?

Career Revival Model is the answer. Our simple, proven 3-step framework can help you completely transform your career path and take it to the next level.

If you’re not branding yourself, others will do it for you.

Well, the secret is Professionals are not even aware that they are a Brand!! In today's world, the way you present yourself to the world and how people see you would create an edge for your success or disadvantage if you are not intentionally building your Brand!

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Personal branding is the process of creating a unique identity that distinguishes you from everyone else. It is all about putting your best foot forward and let the world see it.

If you want to learn how to create a powerful personal brand, then this is the course for you! In this course, you will learn how to build a strong personal brand that will help you stand out from the crowd. You will learn how to develop a unique identity that will make people take notice.

So what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start building your personal brand today!

How To Position Yourself As An Expert Authority , Cut the Noise and eliminate Imposter Syndrome

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You've been working hard in your field for years, but you're not seeing the respect and recognition you desire. You're worried that you might be becoming redundant, and that your skills may no longer be in high demand. 

It's tough to break through all of the noise and stand out as an expert authority. And it's even harder when you feel like you're competing against people who have been in the industry for much longer than you have. 

 Authority Positioning Secrets will show you how to cut through the noise, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. You'll learn how to overcome fear of being redundant, and how to position yourself as an expert authority in your industry.

If you're looking to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry, Authority Positioning Secrets is the course for you. You'll learn how to overcome imposter syndrome, and position yourself as an expert authority in your field. 

Authority Positioning Secrets is the course you need to take your career to the next level. 

Why Sincere , Knowledgeable, And Hard Working People Stay Stuck, feel trapped And wait for Success AND How to own Real Personal Power that takes you to the Next level

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Untold Secrets to Real Personal Power, Upper-Class Master and Use for Next level Success

You want to achieve great things in life, but you don't feel like you have the personal power to make it happen. 

It's frustrating when you feel held back by your lack of personal power. You know that if you could just break through this barrier, you could achieve anything. 

IMPOWER Code Secrets is the answer. This program is designed to help you unlock your true potential and unleash your inner power. With this knowledge, you'll be able to achieve anything you set your mind to.

Activate The "Secret Ingredient" to open the doors to Success and Impact- You Know You Secretly Desire

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Problem: You want to get ahead in your career, but you don't know how. You've tried taking courses, networking, and even getting a certification, but it doesn't seem to be working. 

Agitate: It's hard to stay motivated when it feels like you're doing everything right and you're still not getting the results you want. You feel stuck and helpless.

Solution: In this Course find out The secret ingredient to Success - personal and professional. The real Magnetic force behind those who created own path. With this you will not only have an edge over your competition, but also the personal growth you need to finally get ahead in your career.

How to Build Unbeatable and Authentic Self Confidence which fuels your Way to Next level Success !

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Technology mass market channels network effects bandwidth seed round handshake assets interaction design business-to-consumer social media pitch virality. Sales angel investor disruptive seed money traction buyer early adopters user experience business plan bandwidth pitch growth hacking hackathon.


Hey Coach Shilpa, I just want to give you an update on my progressions. I finally hit my M-T-O goals since I’ve been on this journey with you and your guidance. Since the last two months, I am consistently hitting my financial targets with 5 figures income! Also, I just want to thank you again for your superb coaching sessions to lead the professionals to next-level success! You are such an Amazing Coach and I am grateful to You and I Appreciate your efforts and suitable solutions!


It was nice to have words with Shilpa ma’am, she took a lot of effort and patience to understand my problem and describe the same easily in one sentence with valuable advice. What I like most about her session is that she understands my problem and emphasis changing me to come out of the recurring event. She suggested that switching job, again and again, is not a solution first I would like to work on myself to be clear about what I’m looking for before finding the right opportunity.


It's been a great pleasure and an opportunity to learn the skills of right closing in unique manner by Shilpa ma'am.Under her guidance and innovative ideas in handling objections were very useful and thus strengthening the SHA infotech in manifold ways.

I really appreciate her as a patient person which makes other to learn comfortably the skills a person should actually have while closing.Once again a big thank to her for her guidance and sincere efforts which she had tried to put in our whole team of SHA.

Avneet K

Shilpa Joshi



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